
Northampton Consulting

Creating smarter communication plans that work.

While the above description is technically an accurate summary of what we do, we really do so much more. Contact us, we’ll be more than happy to talk about the “more” and how we can use it to your benefit.

What We Do

chan·nel strat·e·gy

a framework that defines the best time and place for a brand to tell its story. The result: more of what you want.

chan·nel plan·ning

a fully orchestrated communications plan that: 1) tightly integrates the medium and the message, and 2) defines how to cost-effectively drive a desired action.

ac·tiva·tion & op·ti·mi·za·tion

an iterative process for putting the communications plan into market and actively refining each component for maximum results.

What We Believe

We believe that talking gets in the way of listening. Collaboration makes good work great. Kick-ass client service is not a “nice-to-have.” Smart thinking. Complete transparency. Creativity. Accountability. Mutual respect. And no bullshit. Ever.

“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.“

Oliver Wendell Holmes

And importantly, we don’t believe in proprietary systems and processes and models. We don’t have people on staff with titles like chief integration officer, or connection planning architect or artificial intelligence engineer. Our people just don’t care about the title. They care about helping clients. We don’t have a co-space for rapidly realizing the future of the metaverse like some of our competition. We don’t believe that we’re smarter than everyone else, especially our clients. But we do know what we’re talking about.

“Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.“

William Plomer

More About Us

Northampton Consulting was launched in 2019 after Tom Hickey, our CEO & Founder, decided that working for more established agencies, big or small, wasn’t his thing. While his experience working for these agencies was invaluable, he knew there was a better way to give clients what they really need: a smarter, more adaptable, more effective approach to communications planning.

While that may sound a little bold, our combination of experience, thirst for collaboration, creativity and focus on unparalleled customer service is hard to match. But don’t listen to us. Listen to the people we’ve worked with over the years.

We are headquartered in Durham, North Carolina but work (or have worked) with local, regional, national & global clients.

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